보은 법주사 원통보전& 목조관음보살좌상

2021. 6. 11. 06:22바롱이의 쪽지/충청북도


[보물 제916호 보은 법주사 원통보전 (報恩 法住寺 圓通寶殿)]

속리산 기슭에 있는 법주사는 신라 진흥왕 14년(553)에 처음 지었고, 혜공왕 12년(776)에 다시 지었다. 임진왜란으로 모두 불탄 것을 인조 2년(1624)에 벽암이 다시 지었으며 그 뒤 여러 차례 수리를 거쳐 오늘에 이르고 있다.

원통보전은 앞면 3칸·옆면 3칸 규모의 정사각형 1층 건물로, 지붕은 중앙에서 4면으로 똑같이 경사가 진 사모지붕이다. 지붕 처마를 받치기 위해 장식하여 짜은 구조가 기둥 위에만 있는 주심포 양식으로 꾸몄다. 건물 안에는 앉은키 2.8m의 금색 목조 관세음보살상을 모시고 있다. 관세음보살상은 머리에 화관(花冠)을 쓰고 있으며, 얼굴에는 자비로운 웃음을 머금고 있다.

단순하지만 특이한 건축 양식을 갖추고 있어 건축사 연구에 소중한 자료가 되고 있다.

[영문 설명]

Located at the foot of Songnisan Mountain, Beopjusa Temple was first built in 553 (14th year of the reign of King Jinheung during the Silla Period) and was rebuilt in 776 (12th year of King Hyegong’s reign). The temple was burnt down during the Japanese invasion in the late 16th century but was restored by Buddhist Monk Byeokam in 1624 (second year of the reign of King Injo of the Joseon Dynasty), undergoing several repairs until it attained its present grandeur.

Wontongbojeon Hall is a single-story building, measuring three kan (unit of measurement referring to the distance between two columns) at the front and three kan at the side and having a square hipped roof. Brackets are installed only atop the columns to support the eaves of the roof. The Wooden Seated Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (Treasure No. 1361) is enshrined in this hall. This 2.8-m high statue has an ornamental crown on its head and wears a benign smile on its face.

Simple but unique in style, the hall is of great significance to the study of architectural trend of the mid-Joseon Period.


"보은 법주사 원통보전"

[보물 제1361호 보은 법주사 목조관음보살좌상 (報恩 法住寺 木造觀音菩薩坐像)]

법주사에 모셔져 있는 나무로 만든 관음보살좌상으로, 머리에는 화염보주로 호화롭게 꾸민 보관을 쓰고 있는데, 관의 가운데에는 작은 부처가 새겨져 있고, 배 부분에는 복갑(腹甲)같은 둥근 꽃장식 판을 두르고 있어서 전반적으로 장식성이 두드러져 보인다. 네모꼴에 가까운 얼굴은 근엄한 표정을 짓고 있으며, 오른손은 가슴에 올리고 왼손은 배에 두었으며 엄지와 중지를 맞댄 손모양을 하고 있는데, 마치 실제 인물의 부드러운 손을 대하듯 곡선적이고 사실적으로 표현되어 생동감이 넘쳐난다. 양어깨를 덮은 천의 자락 역시 신체의 굴곡을 따라 자연스럽게 흘러내리도록 표현함으로써 부피감 있는 곡선미를 보여주고 있다.

불상 안에서 나온 유물 중 불상조성기가 발견되어 순치 12년, 즉 1655년에 조성되었음을 알 수 있다. 간단하고 단순·소박하지만 부피감이 있는 이 목조관음보살상은 임란후 제작된 조선후기 불상연구에 있어 중요한 기준작으로 평가된다.

[영문 설명]

In this painting, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva wears a gorgeous-looking crown containing a miniature Buddha image at the center and a belly armor-like, floral-patterned round plate. Overall, the piece displays conspicuous ornaments. The subject wears a stern expression on the square face. The right hand is put on the chest, and the left hand is at the abdomen, with the thumbs touching the middle fingers. The hands are depicted realistically. The robe hung on both shoulders flows down and contours to the body.

The remarks found in the piece say that it was made in 1655 (the 2nd year of the reign of Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty of China). Simple, plain, and voluminous, this piece is regarded as an important material for those studying the Buddhist statues made in the late Joseon Period (1392-1910).

