2021. 11. 12. 06:27ㆍ바롱이의 쪽지/강원도
강문해변은 강문동에 자리잡고 있으며 주변에 작은 포구인 강문항이 있어 근처 횟집에서 새벽에 잡은 싱싱한 생선회를 맛볼 수 있습니다. 깨끗이 정비된 숙박시설과 경포지구가 근접해 있습니다.
강문해변에서는 보트로 5∼10분 걸리는 곳에 정박을 하여 수심 5∼30m의 바다 속에 방대하게 펼쳐진 자연짬(바위), 말미잘, 대형어류 등 뛰어난 수중경관을 감상할 수 있어 스킨스쿠버 동호인들이 많이 찾고 있으며 특히 추억을 남기고 싶은 신혼부부를 위한 수중 다이빙도 하고 있습니다.
강문항이 있어 16척의 어선이 가자미, 노래미, 문어, 민들조개(째복), 성게, 멍게, 해삼 등을 수시로 잡고 봄에는 넙치(광어, 대복조개, 여름, 가을에는 삼치 겨울에는 우럭 등을 잡고 있다. 낚시애호가들은 항구에서 황어와 노래미(놀래기) 등을 낚기도 합니다.
강문해변 솟대다리(강문솟대다리는 강문 해변과 경포 해변으로 나뉘는 바다 위에 있는 다리이다. 마을의 풍년을 기원하기 위해 볍씨를 주머니에 넣어 장대를 높이 달아맨 것에서 유래된 솟대는 민간신앙의 상징물로 장대 끝에 새를 나무로 깎아서 달기도 했던 장대를 말한다.)
"강문 진또배기 성황당"
[명승 강릉 경포대와 경포호 (江陵 鏡浦臺와 鏡浦湖)]
경포대는 관동팔경의 하나로 고려 충숙왕 13년(1326년) 지중추부사 박숙이 창건하였다. 창건 당시에 이미 이전의 주춧돌과 장대석이 발견되어 전부터 이곳에 정자 형태의 건물이 있었음을 알려준다. 강릉지역의 누정 기록을 보면 신라 성덕왕대 순정공(純貞公)의 임해정과 술랑선도(述朗仙徒) 한송정이 등장하여 경포대와 더불어 이 지역에 누정의 문화가 오래됨을 알 수 있다. 정철(鄭澈,1536-1593)의 관동별곡(關東別曲)에는 관동팔경의 으뜸으로 경포대를 꼽고 있으며, 저녁이 되어 달빛이 내리면 하늘, 바다, 호수, 술잔, 임의 눈동자에서 다섯 개의 달을 볼 수 있다고 노래하는 등 동해안 제일의 달맞이 명소이기도 하다.
[영문 설명]
Gyeongpodae Pavilion in Gangneung is a historic building constructed on a lofty spot overlooking a scenic coastal lake in 1326 by Bak Suk, a local administrative official of the late Goryeo Period (918-1392); it has since earned raves as one of the Eight Scenic Spots of the Gwandong region.
According to “A Record on the New Pavilion of Gyeongpodae” written by An Chuk (1287-1348), a renowned Confucian scholar-statesman of the late Goryeo Period, “a little pavilion was built on a site which used to be frequented by a Daoist sage of Silla named Yeongnang to help visitors to the site avoid rain and wind.” The discovery of old stone column bases and long rectangular stones at the site of the pavilion suggested that there used to be a pavilion-style building long before the construction of Gyeongpodae Pavilion.
Historians believe that the original pavilion is one of the oldest of its kind built in the Gangneung area along with two others mentioned in some old historic texts: Imhaejeong Pavilion related to Sunjeonggong, a magistrate of Gangneung who served during the reign of King Seongdeok of Silla, and; Hansongjeong Pavilion, visited by Sullang Daoist followers. Widely regarded as one of the Eight Scenic Spots of Gwandong, Gyeongpodae Pavilion has often been combined with Gyeongpoho Lagoon, a large coastal lagoon spreading under it and attracting numerous visitors, including some of the greatest artists of their time who produced poetry, calligraphy, and paintings in honor of the breathtakingly beautiful natural landscapes around it as well as its historical and cultural significance.
Both the pavilion and the lagoon have been inscribed in the lists of the Eight Scenic Spots of Gyeongpo and the Eight Scenic Spots of Gangneung designated by Kim Geuk-gi. The beautiful natural landscapes around the sites and their connection with famous historical personalities and their literary and artistic works add extra cultural value.In 1746, then-Gangwon-do Governor Kim Sang-seong (1703-1755) commissioned a group of government-hired painters to paint ten of the most scenic attractions in the province and titled their paintings The Ten Scenic Spots of Gwandong. In this collection of landscape paintings, the work of Gyeongpodae and Gyeongpoho captures the pavilion and the lake, divided into Inner and Outer Lakes, using aerial perspective. The painting features an old angler catching fish at the lakeside, gulls flying peacefully, Jukdobong Peak with a sand bar under it separating the lake from the sea, thatch-roofed cottage, pine trees with wild flowers between them, and sun rising from the East Sea with a tiny sailor floating on it; thus providing valuable information of the natural and cultural environment around Gyeongpodae Pavilion in the past. Jeong Cheol (1536-1593), a great poet of the mid-Joseon Period, concluded in his poetic work Gwandong byeolgok (Eight Wonders of the East Coast) that Gyeongpodae Pavilion was number one among the Eight Scenic Spots of Gwandong; as an example to support his claim, he praised a mesmerizing night view wherein a full moon high up in the air cast its reflections on the sea, the lake, his wine glass, and the eyes of his loved one. Hanging inside the pavilion are a number of plaques inscribed with the ridge beam prayer handwritten by Jo Ha-mang and poetic works written by famous historic figures including King Sukjong (r. 1674-1720) and Gyeongpodaebu (Ode to Gyeongpodae) written by Yi Yul-gok (1536-1584) when he was 10 years old. Gyeongpodae Pavilion in Gangneung was originally built in 1326 by Bak Suk, a local administrative official of the late Goryeo Period, on the Inwolsa Temple site on a mountain behind Banghaejeong Pavilion but was moved to its current location in 1508 by Han Geup, then-Magistrate of Gangneung.
The building has since been repaired and renovated several times while maintaining its historical and cultural significance for about 680 years now. Gyeongpodae Pavilion is also regarded as a valuable item of Korean architectural heritage since its history reflects the changes it has undergone from the style of the house built for the local Neo-Confucian literati elites to the style characterizing the tower pavilion style of the later period.
The pavilion is also connected with the love story between a beautiful lady named Hongjang and Inspector-general Bak Sin as detailed in Dongin sihwa (Essays on Poetry by the Easterners), a book of critical essays on poetry written by Seo Geo-jeong (1420-1488), a renowned Confucian scholar of the early Joseon Period. The story is regarded as a valuable source for increasing one’s knowledge on the development of oral tradition in Korea.
"경포호와 새바위"
경포대와 경포호(‘거울처럼 맑다’고 해서 이름이 붙은 경포호(鏡浦湖)에는 달이 네 개 뜬다는 풍류가 있었다. 하늘에 뜬 달이 하나요, 바다에 하나, 호수에 하나, 그리고 술잔에도 똑같은 달이 하나 뜬다는 것이다. 혹자는 여기에 한 가지를 덧붙인다. 하늘, 바다, 호수, 술잔, 그리고 그대의 눈동자에. 이렇듯 사람의 마음을 움직이는 경포호는 사람에게 유익함을 준다 하여 군자호(君子湖)라고도 불렸다. - 출처:한국문화유산답사회)
"경포 솔밭갤러리"
"경포 솔밭갤러리"
"경포 솔밭갤러리"
"경포 솔밭갤러리"
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